10 October: fyi -- Ericsson, Ireland

Index of October 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index

Earn £1000 during your holidays
without having to go to work!

Yes, it's true. You can earn £1000 without even having to go to
work. Ericsson is offering £1000 to selected 3rd level students who
come up with interesting work assignments that they can do for
Ericsson at home, out and about, anywhere so long as it isn't at an
Ericsson office!

What do you have to do?

Firstly to apply for approval, write a few lines (approximately 300
words) to tell us what work you would like to do for Ericsson and why
you think it would be of interest to Ericsson. Secondly, include your
Name, Address, Date of Birth, Phone Number, College you are attending,
which course you are doing, which year of the course you are in and
any additional information that may be relevant.

Take a look through the Ericsson Ireland website
http://www.ericsson.ie and you might get the inspiration you need to
come up with a good idea for a project that you would like to do and
that would also be of interest to Ericsson.

Then send your application by email to contact@eei.ericsson.se or by
post to the Communications Manager, Ericsson, Beech Hill, Clonskeagh,
Dublin 4.

Index of October 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index