18 October: fyi -- PhD funding, Tilburg

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Ph.D. position

In the section Logic and Analysis of Language of the faculty of
Philosophy of Tilburg University there is, in cooperation with the
Computer Science Department of the Technical University of
Eindhoven, a vacancy for a Ph.D. research position in the field of

Logic and Linguistic Aspects of Message Sequence Charts (MSCs).

Short description of the project:
A Message Sequence Chart (MSC) is a graphical language showing
the ordering relation on a set of events and communication relations
between communicating processes or agents. In modern object-
oriented development methods for information systems, it is
recommended to create so-called "use cases" and draw them as
MSCs, and to use these in the development process as a tool for the
analysis of requirements and specifications.
The purpose of this Ph.D. research project is to investigate the
logical connection between these "use cases" in natural language
and in MSCs, and to use the results of this research in the analysis
of requirements and specifications. The semantics of the
descriptions in natural language and the semantics of MSCs will be
connected. To do so, a number of logical and linguistic problems will
be researched (quantifiers, time ordering, typing).

A more detailed research proposal is available upon request.
However, in agreement with the project leaders the project can be
customized in accordance with the particular qualifications of the
candidate. Information can be obtained from prof. dr. H. de Swart
(e-mail: H.C.M.deSwart@kub.nl), prof. dr. L. Feijs (e-mail:
feijs@win.tue.nl) and dr. S. Mauw (e-mail:sjouke@win.tue.nl).

The position is partly funded by NWO and partly by Tilburg
University. The salary of the succesful candidate will be 3218 guilders
bruto per month in the first year, 3443 in the second year, 3757 in
the third year and 4364 in the fourth year.

Applications, including the curriculum vitae and a list of results for
the courses in the master's program, can be sent to prof. dr. H.C.M. de Swart,
KUB, FWW, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands.
e-mail: H.C.M.deSwart@kub.nl

Index of October 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index