18 December: fyi -- Sheffield
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index
Two EU-funded projects are expected to start early in the New Year at the
Information Studies department at Sheffield University and a research
assistant (RA) post will result from each project. In anticipation of a
formal job announcement early in January, potential candidates interested
in the posts are requested to contact Mark Sanderson
(m.sanderson@shef.ac.uk). The two projects are
Clarity (http://clarity.shef.ac.uk/)
A 3-year EU funded project investigating interactive cross language
information retrieval (CLIR). Sheffield's role is being run jointly
between the Computer Science and Information Studies departments. The job
of the Sheffield RA is to refine and user test a novel interface for
CLIR. Candidates with a relevant post graduate degree with programming and
HCI experience are desired: e.g. Java or C++ programming; experience in
interface design; preferably multiple language skills particularly in
Spanish or Finnish; information retrieval; and experience in user testing.
The Clarity consortium consists of 6 partners: Alma Media, BBC Monitoring,
Bright Station (Martin Porter), Swedish Institute of Computer Science
(Jussi Karlgren), University of Sheffield (Rob Gaizauskas and Mark
Sanderson), and the University of Tampere (Kalervo Jarvelin).
MIND (http://dis.shef.ac.uk/mark/mind/)
A 30-month EU funded project investigating the searching of heterogeneous
databases. Sheffield's main task in the project will focus on the
searching of spoken document collections with an emphasis on retrieval and
interface design over actual speech recognition. In particular, searching
collections held on remote databases is a focus of the project. Candidates
with a relevant post graduate degree with programming and HCI experience
are desired: Java or C++ programming; experience in interface design and
user testing; information retrieval; and speech recognition.
The MIND consortium consists of 5 partners: Carnegie Mellon University
(Jamie Callan), University of Dortmund (Norbert Fuhr), University of
Firenze (Alberto del Bimbo), University of Sheffield (Micheline Beaulieu &
Mark Sanderson), University of Strathclyde (Fabio Crestani & Forbes Gibb)
The department of Information Studies at Sheffield has consistently gained
the highest possible research rating and has a long tradition of high
quality Information Retrieval research. It has strong links with the
internationally renowned text-related research groups within the Computer
Science department.
Mark Sanderson, Room 303 Tel : +44 (0) 114 22 22648
Department of Information Studies Fax : +44 (0) 114 27 80300
University of Sheffield, Western Bank mailto:m.sanderson@shef.ac.uk
Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK http://dis.shef.ac.uk/mark/
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index