18 December: fyi -- Syntax, Potsdam
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index
Applications are invited for a full time research position in
generative syntax at the University of Potsdam.
The position is part of project A3 of the interdisciplinary research
group Conflicting Rules (http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/fg/) financed
by the German Research Foundation. For some info on the syntax
division, consult
http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~fanselow/gf-team1.html and
The topic of the research project lies in the analysis of Minimal Link
Condition effects in Optimality Theory. The position advertized will
need to focus on A-bar-movement dependencies, since the analysis of
A-movement (Case) is covered by the other position in the project.
Applicants should have a PhD or a comparable degree, or be very close
to finishing it. They should have a strong background in syntax
theory, either minimalist, GB or OT. They should be able to work
collaboratively, and have an interest in cooperation with
phonologists, psycholinguists, psychologists and computer scientist.
The position is to be filled as soon as possible, but no later than
mid March 2001. In the optimal case, the position can be funded for 5
more years. Payment is standard German BAT IIa-0.
Your application should include
a cv
three attached recent papers (or less)
a cover letter explaining your interest in MLC issues
names of potential referees
Send your application to
before Dec 25th.
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index