23 December: fyi -- linguistics, San Diego

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A fast growing company is in need of a linguist who can help design a
voice portal to the internet. You do not need to know any type of
coding at all- just linguistics- you wil be telling the engineers what
they need to design. Hopefully you will have experience with voice
portals but I'll look at everyone. This position pays nicely and is
located in the sunny land of San Diego (currently it is about 72 degrees
outside my window) Santa even wears shorts. Please call me or email
your resume to vincentd@nsasearch.com in word.doc format and I will call
you ASAP. Thank you.

If you have anyquestions please email me or call me- (760) 431-1750

Vincent Disanza
2035 Corte del Nogal ste 100
CA 92009


Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index