23 December: fyi -- comp ling research funding, London
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index
King's College, London
Applications are invited for a part-time research assistantship to
work on the implementation of a dialogue system. The appointment will
be made for a period of 20 months from 1st February 2001. The post is
funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
We welcome applications from students who are interested in entering
our MPhil/Ph.D program. We will also be happy to consider
applications from post-doctoral researchers and from candidates
completing Ph.D's at other institutions. An interest in computational
approaches to dialogue/semantics and good programming skills
(preferably in Prolog and/or C) are required.
For a Ph.D student the salary will be 40% (RA 1B salary scale), which
is from £7,563 to £8,346 including London Allowance. For a
post-doctoral RA, the position will be 40% (RA1A salary scale)
commencing at £8,346 pa. The position will involve 12-15 hours a
For further information please contact Professor Shalom Lappin or Dr
Jonathan Ginzburg in the Computer Science Department at King's College,
London at lappin@dcs.kcl.ac.uk,ginzburg@dcs.kcl.ac.uk. For details
concerning the Natural Language Processing Group within the Department
of Computer Science at King's College, London, please consult the
departmental website at http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/. The closing date
for applications will be ca 20 January 2001. Reference W0/CCS/01/01.
Equality of opportunity is King's College Policy.
Index of December 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index