11 July: fyi -- boston

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Senior Macintosh Programmer for the SignStream Project

A three-year position in the academic environment at Dartmouth College
or Boston University, depending on applicant's preference.

We are looking for a Macintosh programmer with extensive programming
experience in languages such as C, C++, Java, and multimedia
programming tools. We also expect excellent interpersonal and written
communications skills. The position offers flexibility in work hours
and access to the human and technological resources of research
universities. The successful applicant would be in charge of
programming -- and, to a limited extent, design -- of the NSF-funded
SignStream Project (see http://www.bu.edu/asllrp/SignStream ) and
report directly to the Director, Prof. Carol Neidle at Boston
University. If working at Dartmouth College, applicant would work in
the Department of Humanities Resources, reporting to the Director.

This is a unique opportunity for a senior Macintosh programmer to
prove his or her skills in programming languages, database structures,
and multimedia tools, as part of a team of researchers at several

Please address inquiries or expressions of interest in the position
to Otmar Foelsche (otmar.foelsche@dartmouth.edu) and Carol Neidle

Boston University and Dartmouth College are Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action employers.

Index of July 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index