9 August: fyi -- AI, London

Index of August 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index

PhD Studentships
available at
School of Informatics
City University
London, UK

- Applications are invited for 4 PhD studentship to start October 2000.

- The successful candidate will join the distributed and intelligent
systems group. Areas of interest to the Distributed and Intelligent
Systems group cover:

- Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems
- Logic Programming and Constraints
- Bioinformatics
- Data Mining and Visualisation
- Neural Networks
- Intelligent Optimisation and Evolutionary Computing
- Genetic Programming
- Music and Creativity
- High performance adaptive databases

Non-AI research strengths at City include: systems architecture,
software reliability, requirements engineering, HCI, software
engineering, and programming languages.

Details of research at City can be found at: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/

- The studentships are open to UK, EU, and overseas students.

- Each studentship will be offered for three years subject to
satisfactory progress. The value of the studentship is an annual
stipend of 8,500 pounds plus fees paid. Students will be *required*
to undertake demonstrating/marking of up to 6 hours per week. This
approximates to around 1,500-2,000 pounds per annum depending on the
duties undertaken. This will be paid in addition to the
studentship. The studentships are funded to support the launch of our
new Professional Pathway degree courses.

Professional Pathway is a new and innovative mode of course delivery that
provides City's IT undergraduates with workplace learning and e-learning
within their course. City's well-established courses in Informatics will
be offered in this new mode of study from autumn 2000. With Professional
Pathway, IT undergraduates transfer to relevant employment after one year
of full-time study and complete their degrees by a combination of
day-release and e-learning over up to three more years. For further
details see: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/liaison/liaison.html

- Candidates should email a full CV with contact details (incl. email
addresses) of two academic referees to Dr. Michael Schroeder
(msch@soi.city.ac.uk). For further details call ++44 171 477 8918.
Please submit your CV as soon as possible, no later than end of
August, however.

- For further information, please visit


Dr. Michael Schroeder Distributed and Agent-based Systems
t: ++44-20-7477 8918 School of Informatics
f: ++44-20-7477 8587 City University
e: msch@soi.city.ac.uk Northampton Square
w: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~msch London, EC1V 0HB, UK

Index of August 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index