15 September: fyi -- Chair, Gothenburg

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(Språkvetenskaplig databehandling)

Göteborg University will soon announce a position as Professor of Natural
Language Processing at the Faculty of Humanities. Since the deadline is
three weeks after the official announcement, this preliminary posting gives
potential candidates some more time to enquire about the position and to
prepare an application.

The university is looking for a Full Professor with an excellent record in
teaching, research and scientific management. The professor will be
responsible for research and teaching in NLP at both undergraduate and
graduate level. He or she should be able to lead the development of
computational applications for language technology, using methods from
computational linguistics and computational lexicography and lexicology.

The professor will also act as Director for Språkbanken (the Bank of
Swedish) at Göteborg University which houses large text corpora, primarily
in Swedish. An important task for Språkbanken is to facilitate research
using corpora, both monolingual Swedish corpora and translation corpora,
including parallel texts where Swedish is one of the linked languages.
Språkbanken cooperates with the Departments of Modern Languages, other
faculties and other colleges and universities. The candidate's ability to
cooperate with various users is considered very important.

Candidates are expected to have a good command of Swedish or to have
experience of working with similar tasks in Danish or Norwegian.

The chair will be attached to the Department of Swedish Language which
currently has 3 full professors and 22 other members of academic staff.
The department cooperates with the Departments of Computer Science,
Informatics, Linguistics and Philosophy in offering a Masters Program in
Computational Linguistics. Starting in 2001, Göteborg University will
coordinate a national graduate school in Language Technology.

Information about the position, the department and the university can be
found at http://spraakbanken.gu.se/sd/chair.html

Elisabet Engdahl
Department of Swedish Language
Göteborg University
tel: +46-31-773 5214
fax: +46-31-773 4455

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index