18 September: fyi -- tenure track, SLA, Tempe

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Spanish Lower-Division Program Director

Tenure-track position at advanced Assistant or Associate level to direct
Lower-Division Spanish language program and train and supervise Teaching

Required: Research specialization in Applied Linguistics,
Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Education or related
field. Ph.D. in Spanish or related area, near-native ability in Spanish
and English, experience in language program direction and TA
supervision, excellent teaching evaluations, ability to teach methods
courses for TAs and graduate courses in research specialization,
evidence of research and publication appropriate to rank.
Desired: Knowledge of and experience in proficiency-based curricula and
testing, expertise in the use of language learning technologies, at least
three years experience in language program direction.

Submit curriculum vitae, letter of interest, including description of
research agenda, teaching evaluations for 2-5 recent courses, and three
letters of recommendation by November 15, to David Foster, Chair,
Department of Languages and Literatures, Arizona State University, Tempe,
AZ 85287-0202.

David William Foster david.foster@asu.edu
Dept. of Languages and Literatures, Box 870202
AZ 85287-0202

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index