19 September: fyi -- PhD funding, Australia

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index

Applications invited for Doctor of Philosophy Stipends for 2001.

Opportunities for collaborative research in The Centre for Research in
Language Processing and Linguistics at The University of Queensland exist
in the broad areas of
1. Connectionist modelling of natural language processing.
2. Psycho-linguistic investigations of aphasia, and language disorders in
neurogenerative disease such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.
3. Linguistic reconstruction and language change in Australian languages.
4. Computational evolutionary modelling of language origins and language
5. Phonetics and phonology.

The Centre for Research in Language Processing and Linguistics is presently
offering four doctoral stipends for the year 2001 each to the value of
$8,000 per annum which applicants may use in addition to other sources of
funding (e.g., APAs for Australian graduates). The doctoral stipends should
ideally be for students who wish to pursue a program of study that involves
collaboration across the Departments of English and Speech Pathology &
Audiology and the Schools of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering
and Psychology, although applicants should feel free to nominate their own
preferred area of research, should they so desire.

Research programs that fall exclusively within one Department/School but
that are concerned with the core areas of research interest of the Centre,
will also be considered. The stipend is for the first year of doctoral
study, with the possibility of renewal each year over three years.

Further information and application guidelines may be obtained from:
* Dr. John Ingram
Department of English
* Dr. Helen Chenery
Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
* Dr. Janet Wiles
School of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering and School of

Further information about the Centre may be obtained from our web page at

Applications close:
Tuesday 31st October 2000
Wednesday 31st January 2001
Monday 31st April 2001
Tuesday 31st July 2001

Dr John Ingram
Senior Lecturer
Department of English
University of Queensland
Brisbane 4072 AUSTRALIA
tel. +61 7 3365 2570
fax +61 7 3365 2799

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index