25 September: fyi --- Bristol

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index



A virtual enterprise for data mining and decision support


About this position:
This is an exciting EU-funded project aimed at developing and
spreading the use of data mining and decision support technologies.
The virtual enterprise model is proposed as the dynamic
problem-solving link between data mining and decision support experts
on the one hand, and customers in need of specific solutions on the
other. The virtual enterprise is to function by co-operation of
working groups of individuals. Participants in this projects are 8
leading European Machine Learning research groups (Bristol, GMD,Jozef
Stefan Institute, Leuven, Oxford, Porto, Prague, Vienna) and 4 data
mining companies.

Your task in this project is to apply data mining techniques to
datasets provided by end-users. Possible techniques include inductive
logic programming, Bayesian classification, support vector machines,
and other state-of-the-art data mining methods. The datasets may
require further development of existing techniques in order to deal
with characteristics of the domain. Since various partners will work
on the same datasets, the project will also involve development of a
methodology for integrating rsults from various data mining systems
into single solutions (this will be based on ROC-curves).

The ideal candidate for this project will hold a PhD in a subject
related to data mining. However, we will also consider candidates
with other relevant qualifications, who wish to pursue a doctorate.
Relevant backgrounds include computational logic, statistics, and
databases. What we offer is a stimulating and challenging research
environment, with the possibility to collaborate with many of the
foremost European experts in machine learning and data mining, and to
obtain real results on real datasets.

The appointment is until 31 December, 2002 and is available
immediately. The starting salary is within Grade IA (16,286 GBP -
24,479 GBP) of the scales for research staff. Applications should be
sent by email to Peter Flach (Peter.Flach@bristol.ac.uk) before 15
October, 2000.

About the group:
The Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Bristol is a
young, dynamic and rapidly growing research group (at the moment 4
staff, 1 postdoc and 7 research students). We currently co-ordinate
the ILPnet2 European Network of Excellence on Inductive Logic
Programming, as well as an EU-funded project on meta-learning, and
participate in another large EU-funded project establishing a virtual
enterprise for data mining and decision support. The group has a
strong international orientation and collaborates with many leading
machine learning groups. Our main research focus includes inductive
logic programming, knowledge representation for inductive learning,
meta-learning, and application areas include user modelling and
knowledge discovery. Bristol also runs a successful MSc course on
Machine Learning.

More information about the group, our research and publications, and
the above projects and vacancies can be obtained from our website at
http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/MachineLearning/ . More information
about our Machine Learning MSc course can be found at
http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Teaching/MachineLearning/ .

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol is an
international centre of excellence which scored 5A in the last
Research Assessment. More information about the department can be
obtained from the department's website at http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/ .

Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index