9 September: fyi -- psycholinguistics, London
Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index
Institute of Child Health
Behavioural Sciences Unit
Research Fellow
Applications are invited for the post of Research Fellow to work on an
ESRC-funded cross-linguistic research project on linguistic factors,
phonological and orthographic processing in developmental dyslexia.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in psychology, linguistics or a related
discipline. Computing/database experience and experience of working with
dyslexic children would be an advantage. The position is for 3 years,
ideally beginning 1 November 2000. Salary according to age and experience on
the Research Associate 1A scale, plus £2,134 London weighting.
Applicants should send full C.V. (3 copies) and the names and addresses of 2
academic referees by 30 September 2000 to Professor Usha Goswami, Institute
of Child Health, 30 Guilford St., London WC1N 1EH, quoting job reference
ICH/BSRF/032. Informal queries over e-mail are welcome: u.goswami@ich.ucl.ac.uk
Usha Goswami
Professor of Cognitive Developmental Psychology
Behavioural Sciences Unit
Institute of Child Health
University College London
30 Guilford St.
London WC1N 1EH
tel. 0171 831 0975
fax. 0171 831 7050
Index of September 2000 | Index of year: 2000 | Full index