30 October: fyi -- jobs database

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The Association for Computers and the Humanities is happy to announce the
launch of a new service, the ACH Jobs Page:


Its goal is to support and advise job-seekers in the field of humanities
computing, and to cultivate a thriving job market and successful contact
between job-seekers and employers.

The Jobs Page currently offers two services:

--a jobs database, so that job-seekers can easily find what is currently

--a mentoring service, to offer advice to new job-seekers and those
entering the field of humanities computing.

If you are an employer with jobs to post, please visit the ACH Jobs page to
enter them in the database. Please don't hesitate to contact the jobs
editors with questions about this process, or with suggestions for
improving it. The editors will be keeping an eye out for job postings and
keeping the database up to date by hand for the first few months, but we
would like to encourage employers to use the jobs database as one of their
primary means of advertisement, and to enter the jobs themselves in the
first instance.

If you are looking for a job, or interested in knowing more about the
current job market, please browse the database and let us know what you
think. At present it is quite basic, but we will be adding functionality
over the next few months and will be grateful for feedback.

If you're interested in being a mentor, please contact Wendell Piez

Best wishes, Julia Flanders
ACH Jobs Subcommittee
Julia Flanders
Director,Women Writers Project
Associate Director, Scholarly Technology Group
Box 1841, Brown University
Providence RI 02912
(401) 863-2135

Index of October 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index