21 February: fyi -- phd funding, Leiden

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The Faculty of Arts of Leiden University invites applications
for 3 positions for PhD Students in Linguistics.

Tuition waived -- scholarships provided.
Appointments will be made per 1 September 2001

a. Linguistic Research (1 position)

Application number 1- 034 / 9997
Deadline for receipt of applications: 17 March 2001.

This research project will be part of the research institute
Universiteit Leiden Centre for Linguistics (ULCL). Only
formal-linguistic projects will be considered. The PhD student
will carry out his or her research project within the framework
of the Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (LOT) and will
take part in the training programme of ULCL, which is offered in
cooperation with the Humanities Faculties of both Amsterdam

Further information: Prof. dr. V.J.J.P. van Heuven, director of
the research institute ULCL, tel.: (+31) 71 527 23 19 / e-mail:
V.J.J.P.van.Heuven@let.leidenuniv.nl or dr. J.M. van de Weijer,
coordinator of ULCL, tel.: (+31) 71 527 21 25 / e-mail:

b. Generative-Syntactic Research on the Languages of
Southern China (2 positions)

Application number 1-034a / 9997
Deadline for receipt of applications: 15 April 2001.

This research project is part of the Vernieuwingsimpulsproject
Syntactic Variation in Southern China, co-financed by NWO. The
project involves generative-syntactic research on a number of
syntactic phenomena in six languages/dialects spoken in
southern China, namely Mandarin, Wu (esp. Wenzhou), Cantonese,
Miao, Zhuang and Va. For a more extensive description of this
project, see http://www.leidenuniv.nl/hil/china. Institutional
embedding and training programme (ULCL-LOT) are the same as
under (a) above. Tuition fee for following this program is

Candidates should be fluent in both Chinese and English, and
should have a proven interest in theoretical linguistic
research. The procedure for application is different from that
described below. Candidates should only send in an application
letter and CV to the address given at the end of this

Further information: dr. R.P.E. Sybesma, project leader, tel:
(+31) 71 527 2103 / e-mail: R.P.E.Sybesma@let.leidenuniv.nl or
dr. J.M. van de Weijer, coordinator of ULCL, tel: (+31) 71 527
2125 / e-mail: J.M.van.de.Weijer@let.leidenuniv.nl.

1. For all positions, the following criteria apply:
a. The project should result in a PhD defence at the Leiden
Faculty of Arts;

b. A Full Professor from the Faculty should be promotor of
the project;

c. The candidate should have an undergraduate degree in an
Arts department or a comparable degree that qualifies him or her
for graduate research. This degree should be obtained no longer
than five years ago. The undergraduate diploma should be awarded
a qualification of excellence. The undergraduate thesis was
awarded a high grade (8 or more on a scale of 10).

d. The research proposal should be part of the research
interests of the research institute involved.

e. The research project should be of excellent quality;
innovative proposals are preferred.

f. The candidate should have a clear interest and proven
qualifications for doing research. This should be evident from
the undergraduate thesis as well as the course load taken during
the undergraduate training period.

g. The candidate should be able to finish the research
project within a period of four years (or five years in the case
of a part-time position).

2. The selection of graduate students takes place in two
phases. In the first phase, the candidate offers the following
dossier to the Faculty:

- a letter of application;

- a summary of a proposal for a PhD research project.
This should contain: name of the candidate; name of the promotor
involved and any other supervisors, if any; and a short summary
of the proposed project (maximally one page). Please indicate
which position is being applied for;

- a statement of a Full Professor in the Faculty which
says that, if the summarised proposal is selected, he or she is
willing to supervise a further elaboration of the project
proposal. This statement also implies that this Professor is
wiling to act as a promotor if the elaborated research proposal
is selected in the second round.

- a curriculum vitae. This should minimally contain
information on the undergraduate training of the candidate (with
copies of the diploma and an accompanying dossier of courses
that have been attended); relevant professional experience in
the area of education and research and a list of any
publications. In case the candidate has not formally acquired
his or her undergraduate diploma, he or she should provide the
committee with (i) a list of validated results in the
undergraduate programme so far, (ii) a written assessment of
the undergraduate thesis and (iii) a time schedule for the path
leading to graduation.

On the basis of this file a number of applicants will receive an
invitation to submit an elaborated research proposal to the
Faculty. With this invitation, additional information will be
supplied about the documents to be submitted in the second
phase. The second research proposal should be submitted to the
Faculty within one month. An interview by the selection
committee is part of the second phase of the procedure.

3. Appointments are temporary positions, full-time as a rule,
for a period of maximally four years. A .8 PhD position (for five
years) is also possible.

4. Around 85 per cent of a PhD student's time is reserved
for research and training, the rest of the time is reserved for
teaching. As a result, the willingness and capacity to teach
courses, both in the projected research area as well as in a
broader scientific area, play a role in the selection procedure.
At the time of appointment, a training and supervision plan will
be drawn up.

5. The salary for PhD students is paid according to the
salary scale for PhD students (f 3.055,= per month in the first
year, increasing to f 4.362,= per month in the fourth year).

Please note that incomplete applications will not be

Applications should be submitted to the following address,
within three weeks of publication of this advertisement.

Faculty of Arts
Personnel Department
Mrs. M.J.P. Okker, Head
Cleveringaplaats 1
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

Leiden University encourages women to apply under its Equal
Opportunities policies.


Index of February 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index