2 March: fyi -- postgrad funding, Nottingham

Index of March 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham offers a =
three year postgraduate studentship (PhD), starting October 2001. The =
studentship covers fees at the current Home/EU rate (# 2740) plus a =
stipend; the 2000/01 rate is # 6800.=20

The studentship may be taken up in a variety of areas, consistent with the =
various research strengths of the Department. Among these are philosophy =
of mind and cognition, philosophy of logic and language, foundations of =
physics and mathematics, metaphysics, Indian philosophy, aesthetics.

For overseas applicants, whose fees would not be fully covered by the =
scholarship, there are various possibilities for fee remission through the =
Graduate School.

Applicants should send a CV and statement of research interests to


Inquiries to the same address.

Gregory Currie
Department of Philosophy
University of Nottingham

+44 0115 951 5841

Index of March 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index