21 April: fyi -- postdoc, Tuebingen
Index of April 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index
University of Tuebingen
Dept. of Linguistics
Division of Computational Linguistics
The Division of Computational Linguistics in the Dept. of Linguistics
at the University of Tuebingen, Germany is seeking applications for a
one-year postdoctoral (or predoctoral) position to work in the area of
natural language processing and machine learning learning. The ideal
candidate will have research experience or strong interest in natural
language processing and/or machine learning. The position is available
This position is sponsored by the European Commission: Training and
Mobility of Researchers (TMR) and is part of the project ``Extending
Computational Grammars by Learning'', coordinated by Prof. John
Nerbonne at the University of Groningen. The successful candidate will
be expected to interact with the postdoctoral researchers at the other
participating sites: University of Groningen, SRI Cambridge,
University of Antwerp, University College Dublin, ISSCO Geneva and
Rank Xerox Grenoble. For details of the project see:
Postdoctoral positions:
The postdoc must be 35 or younger (with some allowance for child care
and military service) and a European citizen, and must "cross a
border" to accept the position. This last point means: must not have
worked more than 18 of the last 24 months in the country in which they
accept the position. They further may not be a citizen of the country
in which they accept the award. Details of the TMR program may be
found at:
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, statement of
research interests, up to three representative publications,
and the names and addresses (electronic and mail) of three
references (whom we will contact for letters, as needed),
Dr. Dale Gerdemann
Dept. of Linguistics
Section for Computational Linguistics
University of Tuebingen
Kl. Wilhelmstr. 113
D-72074 Tuebingen, Germany
Tel: +49 7071-29-74967
Fax: +49 7071-550520
Index of April 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index