30 April: fyi -- speech production, Leipzig
Index of April 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index
The Department of Linguistics of the University of Leipzig is
expecting an opening for a
(half time)
starting summer 2001. The associate will work with Dr
Janssen and Prof Pechmann on a project concerning the role
of morphology in speech production. The successful
candidate should
- be a (near)native speaker of German, with good English skills
- have experience or affinity with experimental research
- have some experience with statistical software and computer
- have completed a university degree (but not a PhD)
- be able to work independently and to supervise student
Duties include: Designing experiments from theoretical
questions, creating materials for experiments, running
subjects and helping student assistants run subjects,
data analysis, examining and scoring (sound)data.
The research associate will work in a active group of
psycholinguistic researchers here at the university and at
the Graduiertenkolleg (PhD school). Next to that, we have
many contacts with other departments, and with two of the
local Max Planck Institutes (Cognitive Neuroscience and
Evolutionary Anthropology).
Funding will be provided by the German Science Foundation
DFG, in the framework of the 'Schwerpunktprogramm
Sprachproduktion'. The position is half-time, is open for
two years, and will be paid according to BAT IIa/Ost halbe.
More information can be obtained by writing to Dirk Janssen,
Institut für Linguistik, Brühl 34-50, 04109 Leipzig,
+49.341.9737863, or dirkj@rz.uni-leipzig.de.
A PDF version of this text can be found at
Index of April 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index