Subject: job advert
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:22:09 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
RESEARCH ASSISTANT REQUIRED: Implementing Temporal Theorem-Proving
Applications are invited for a research position on a project in the
area theorem-proving for temporal logics. The project will take place
within the Logic and Computation Group in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Liverpool. The group is internationally
recognised in the areas of automated reasoning, non-classical logics
and specification and verification. The project involves the design,
implementation and testing of a resolution based theorem-prover for
non-classical logics. Ideally, candidates will have advanced training
in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science or Logic. The post is tenable
for six months initially, initial salary 16,775 GBP p.a.
Informal enquiries can be made to Prof M Fisher (
Details of the project are at
and the research group's activities can be viewed at
Quote ref: B/567 Closing Date 25 May 2001
Further particulars of the application procedure may be requested from the
Director of Personnel, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX on
(+44) 0151 794 2210 (24 hour answerphone) or via email:
Web site at
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