27 May: fyi -- phd funding, Jordanstown
Index of May 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index
The Linguistics Group at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown
has a number of 3-year research studentships available for PhD
students in linguistics. The studentships cover fees and a
maintenance allowance of UK£7,500 per year. In addition, there is
the opportunity to undertake up to 6 hours per week of teaching, for
which an additional £14 per hour is paid. Applicants should hold a
first degree or Master's degree in linguistics, or including a
substantial amount of linguistics, with at least a 2;1 and preferably
first class honours, or equivalent.
Applications are particularly welcome in the areas of syntax,
phonology, pragmatics, language acquisition, psycholinguistics
and discourse. Further details of research areas in linguistics and
faculty research interests can be found at
The linguistics group at Ulster provides a lively research
environment where research students are valued members of a
dynamic research community, and are strongly supported in their
Application forms may be found at http://www.ulst.ac.uk/research.
The closing date for funding applications (which may be submitted
in the first instance by email or fax) is 1 JUNE 2001. All applicants
are advised to apply for 'VCRS studentships', which are open to
everyone; in addition, applicants who are UK residents are also
eligible for government-funded DFHETE studentships funded by the
Department of Further and Higher Education.
Please contact me if you require further information, or wish to
discuss possible research projects.
Alison Henry
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Professor Alison Henry
Linguistics section
School of Psychology and Communication
University of Ulster at Jordanstown
BT37 0QB
N Ireland
Tel (+44)(0)2890-366544
Fax (+44)(0)2890-368251
Index of May 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index