25 June: fyi -- multimedia, Ausburg
Index of June 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index
The University of Augsburg is seeking three highly motivated and qualified
research scientists to join the department of Multimedia Concepts and
Applications. The successful candidates are expected to provide teaching
assistance and to conduct research in the area of multimedia/multimodal
Applicants should have a graduate degree (BS, MA, MS, Diplom, PhD) in
Computer Science or a related discipline. Furthermore, they should have a
strong background in at least one of the following overlapping areas:
human-computer interaction, multimedia/multimodal interfaces, perceptive
interfaces, interactive cinema, digital storytelling, tutoring systems,
life-like computer characters, computer graphics, or natural-language
processing. Programming skills in Java or C++ are essential. Research --
including the writing of a PhD thesis -- and teaching can be done in
English, although learning German basics is expected.
For candidates without doctoral degree, rapid achievement of such a degree
is desired and will be definitely supported.
Funded by the Bavarian High-Tech Offensive, we are able to offer excellent
computing facilities and a creative working environment. The city of
Augsburg is located in the south of Germany and offers many recreational and
cultural attractions in its immediate environment.
The positions are available immediately. The salary is according to the
German C1 scale, which depends on age, qualification, etc. Applications
(including a CV and a list of publications) should be sent ASAP to:
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André
Lehrstuhl für Multimedia-Konzepte und Anwendungen
Institut für Informatik
Universität Augsburg
Eichleitnerstr. 30
D-86135 Augsburg
E-Mail: andre@informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Phone: +49 821-598-2341
Fax: +49 821-598-2349
Index of June 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index