13 July: fyi -- cognitive neuroscience, Maryland

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PostDoc research position Cognitive Neuroscience of Language,
University of Maryland

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Post-Doctoral Researcher
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Laboratory
Department of Linguistics
University of Maryland at College Park

The new Cognitive Neuroscience of Language (CNL) Laboratory at the
University of Maryland is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in the
area of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics or syntax. The
researcher will participate in a project on "Brain Mechanisms of
Syntactic Processing", funded by a grant to Colin Phillips & David
Poeppel (Maryland) and Kuniyoshi Sakai (Tokyo) from the Human
Frontiers Science Program.

The University of Maryland is located in College Park, a suburb of
Washington DC. The CNL Laboratory in the Department of Linguistics has
outstanding facilities for experimental research on language,
including EEG and MEG labs, two eye-tracking labs, a language
acquisition lab and an on-campus lab preschool, and facilities for a
wide variety of behavioral and computational paradigms. Possibilities
for fMRI, PET, TMS and optical imaging are also available, through
collaborations with nearby groups at NIH, Maryland Medical Center
etc., and through the collaborating group in Tokyo. People in the lab
include 16 graduate students, 8 postdocs and research staff, and a
number of participating faculty. For more information see

The ideal candidate would be an energetic investigator with a strong
interest in bridging the gap between theoretical/computational models
of sentence structure and neurolinguistic research. Neurolinguistic
experience is not required, but an ability to learn new techniques is
a must. Position is available until filled. Preferred starting date
in Fall 2001 or Spring 2002. Ph.D. should be in hand by starting
date. Competitive salary and benefits. Inquiries should be directed to
Colin Phillips (colin@glue.umd.edu) or David Poeppel
(dpoeppel@deans.umd.edu). Applications should include CV, sample
publications, names and addresses of three referees, and should be
sent to: Colin Phillips & David Poeppel, Postdoctoral Search
Committee, Department of Linguistics, 1401 Marie Mount Hall,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.

The University of Maryland is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunities Title IX employer. Women and minority candidates are
especially encouraged to apply.

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index