30 July: fyi -- permanent job, Denmark

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index

Assistant or Associate Professor in
Interactive Media

A position as senior or junior lecturer (associate/assistant professor)
is available at the Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory (NISLab)
(url: www.nis.sdu.dk in Odense). We would like to fill the position as
soon as possible. The chosen applicant will carry our research at NISLab
and teach 4th og 5th year masters students at NISLab's education in
Interactive Media.

The successful applicant will become part of an internationally
recognised, very active and interdisciplinary research team,
contributing to NISLab's research agenda in natural interactive systems
theory and prototyping. We would be happy to see you join ongoing NISLab
research projects or address next steps on the research agenda for the
field. The working language at NISLab is English.

NISLab is responsible for the technical/scientific teaching at the
University of Southern Denmark's Graduate School in Interactive Media.
The form-and-contents part of the education is taught by the Media
Education belonging to the Faculty of the Humanities. Next year, using a
building which is currently being designed and in collaboration with the
Humanities Media Institute and the Department of Journalism, NISLab will
contribute to creating an environment in which advanced interactive
technology, creative contents, and inventive form will have the chance
to merge.

Applicants must have a background in e.g. Computer Science, IT
Engineering, Computational Linguistics or Cognitive Science. Experience
in programming and systems development is highly desirable. Possible
profiles include natural language processing, architecture/platforms,
computer graphics, spoken language dialogue systems, combination of
speech, gesture, facial expression, etc, computer vision, mobile

Applications will be assessed by an expert committee. Applications will
receive the evaluation about themselves.

Additional information is available from professor Niels Ole Bernsen,
tel.: (+45) 6550 3544, e-mail:nob@nis.sdu.dk, as well as from the
University's website: http//www.sdu.dk.

Assistant Professor is a 3-year training position with scientific
qualifications that equal the Ph.D.-level.

Associate Professor is a position that requires qualifications
equivalent to those obtained through employment as an Assistant
Professor. If the successful applicant has not documented teaching
experience corresponding to Assistant Professor level, the applicant
will be engaged on trial for the first 18 months.

Applicants are requested to state whether they are applying for the
position as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor.

The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the
agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish
Confederation of Professional Associations).

Applicants are requested to forward a CV, documentation about previous
teaching experience as well as a list of publications, station the
scientific publications on which the applicant wishes to rely. In
addition, a list of all enclosures must be enclosed - each enclosure
being numbered and marked with the applicant's name. Enclosures must be
assembled in sets.

The University encourages all interested to apply, regardless of age,
gender, religions affiliation or ethnic background.

Please send 3 copies of the application marked "Position No. 013023 and
enclosures, including publications on which the applicant wishes to
rely, to: Det Naturvidenskabelige og Tekniske Fakultetssekretariat,
Syddansk Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.

The application must reach the University not later than 3 September at
12.00 hours.

Dr. Laila Dybkjær
Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory
University of Southern Denmark
Science Park 10
5230 Odense M

Tel. ( +45) 65 50 35 53 (direct)
Tel. ( +45) 65 50 10 00 (switchboard)
Fax (+45) 63 15 72 24

email: laila@nis.sdu.dk
URL http://www.nis.sdu.dk

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index