30 July: fyi -- multilingualism, Hamburg

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index


Institute: SFB (Collaborative Research Centre) 538 Multilingualism

Project A3: The processing of spoken language during the process of

>From 1st September, 2001, a vacancy exists for

a research assistant.

Salary will be according to 1/2 IIa of the German public service BAT
pay scale (DM 30.000 - DM 40.000 depending on age and family size).
The hours are 19,5 per week .

The contract is for a limited period in accordance with §24 of
Hamburg University Regulations and §57b of the Basic German
University Regulations (Hochschulrahmengesetz) and is expected to
terminate on 30th June 2002.

The University seeks to increase the representation of women in
scientific positions and thus applications from qualified women are
welcome. Within the terms of the Hamburg equal opportunities law,
applications from women will be favoured above those from other
equally qualified applicants.

Job role:
You will be required to undertake various project related scientific
studies/ research. In addition to the required tasks, you will have
the scope to continue your academic education, and can use the
results of your work for the project as part of a doctorate thesis.

Field of work:
The focus of the work, in addition to recording interpreted
dialogues, is research in the area of the processing of spoken
language in multi lingual communication contexts, and the analysis of
the recorded data.

Required qualifications:
A relevant first degree obtained in the areas of linguistics,
language studies, cognitive sciences or computer linguistics, as well
as in-depth knowledge of English and French or Japanese, as well as
experience of research in several languages.

The disabled will have preference over other applicants, who are not
themselves entitled to preferential treatment under disabled rights
or equal opportunities programs, but who are of the same suitability,
aptitude and technical competence.

Please send your applications with the usual documents (letter of
application, c.v., proof of university degree certificate) to:
Prof. W. von Hahn and Dr. S.J. Jekat
University Hamburg, SFB 538
Max-Brauer-Allee 60
22765 Hamburg

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index