31 July: fyi -- professorships, Göttingen

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index

>The Georgia Augusta University of Göttingen,
>by way of early approval of federal and state funding, announces the
>introduction of forty
>Junior Professorships
>open to young academics. The positions, spread across all fields with the
>exception of law, are to be occupied by December 1, 2001. These positions
>will lead to an appointment as Junior Professor as soon as the necessary
>legislation has been passed and budgetary conditions have been fulfilled.
>Under this new arrangement, each Junior Professor will have an individual
>budget at his or her disposal. Eligible are young academics and scientists
>with an aptitude for teaching and considerable research ability, who have
>attained a doctoral degree with honors within the last five years and since
>then can demonstrate distinguished academic achievements.
>The initial salary will correspond to the "BAT I b" income group.
>Because of their underrepresentation in many departments at the University
>of Göttingen, applications from women are especially welcome and, all other
>factors being equal, will be given special consideration in these fields.
>Physically challenged applicants will likewise be given priority over
>equally qualified, non-physically challenged applicants.
>A list of available positions as well as details about the application
>procedure can be viewed at our website http://www.uni-goettingen.de/ as of
>August 2, 2001.
>Applications are to be sent to the respective department by September 7,
>Roswitha Brinkmann, M.A.
>Head ERASMUS-Office
>University of Göttingen
>Wilhelmsplatz 1
>D-37073 Göttingen
>Fon: + 49 (551) 39 3072
>Fax: + 49 (551) 39 80 90

Index of July 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index