8 August: fyi -- professorship, Bielefeld

Index of August 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft

announces a vacancy for a

C4-Professur (Full Professor)
General Linguistics

The successful applicant will cover the main fields of General Linguistics
in research and teaching and have a core research area in languague typology
or cross-linguistic studies. On the methodological side, it is intended that
fieldwork methods, formal language description and language documentation
should be further developed and linked with the department subdivisions such
as "Sprachen und Sprachtechnologien" or "Language and Cognition". The research
specialities of the successful candidate will be informed by modern theories
of language and grammar, and focus on a specific level of language description
and its interfaces with other levels. Cooperation with other subjects in
research and teaching is expected, particularly in externally funded research
collaborations and modular curricula.

Applicants must fulfil the employment conditions of $46 HG (university degree,
teaching ability, and in general a first class doctoral degree and, where
applicable, the post-doctoral habilitation degree).

Universität Bielefeld is an equal opportunities employer (see the accompanying
German text for details).

Applications should be sent with the usual documents (CV, list of publications,
list of classes held, copies of academic documents) by 31 August 2001 to:
Der Dekan,
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft,
Universität Bielefeld,
Postfach 10 01 31,
D-33501 Bielefeld.

Index of August 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index