12 September: fyi -- chair in AI, York

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Department of Computer Science
University of York, UK

Applications are invited for this professorial post, which is
available from 1 February 2002. We seek candidates with an
international research reputation in Artificial Intelligence,
particularly in Machine Learning, Inductive Logic Programming,
Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning, Constraint
Satisfaction, Computational Linguistics, Multi-Agent Systems, or
application domains such as Bioinformatics. The successful candidate
would be expected to lead and expand the Department's AI group, which
is one of the largest and strongest in the UK. Salary will be within
the professorial range (current minimum 39,004 pounds per annum).

The University Funding Council assessed the Department's research at
grade 5*, the highest grade possible, and has also designated the
Department's teaching as "excellent." A recent ranking of UK Computer
Science departments placed the department equal first in a ranking of
83 institutions. In recognition of the Department's work, the
University was awarded The Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and
Further Education in 1996.

Research activity centres on the Department's six major research
groups: Advanced Computer Architectures, Artificial Intelligence,
High-Integrity Systems Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction,
Programming Languages and Systems, and Real-Time Systems. The
Department has about 160 full time researchers, including around 32
permanent members of academic staff. Current research is funded by
grants and contracts totalling 5 million pounds from the Engineering and
Physical Science Research Council, the European Commission, other
government departments and industry. The Department attracts about 20
percent of the nation's industrial funding for academic research in
computing, more than any other department.

Informal enquiries about this post may be made to Professor Alan Burns
(Head of the Department of Computer Science), telephone
+44 (0)1904-432779, alan.burns@cs.york.ac.uk. General information
about the University, Department and AI Group is available on the web
at www.york.ac.uk.

For further information and details of how to apply, please write to
the Personnel Office, Univ. of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, U.K.
or e-mail jobs@york.ac.uk, quoting reference number /1003 or see

The closing date for applications is Monday 1 October 2001.

Index of September 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index