20 September: fyi -- funding, Ulster
Index of September 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index
Research Studentships
Magee Awards: Intelligent Digital MultiMedia Interfaces
Faculty of Informatics
One research studentship is available within the MultiMedia Systems and
Artificial Intelligence research group of the Faculty of Informatics. The
focus of the research will be to investigate the integration of the
computational processing of digital multimedia (e.g. spoken dialogue,
natural language and visual advanced interfaces) incorporating the modelling
of emotions and automated storytelling with application to e.g. intelligent
web-browsing and medical informatics.
The studentship will comprise fees at the EU or Home rate and an annual
maintenance allowance of £10,000.
Applicants should hold or expect to gain by September 2001 a minimum of an
upper second class honours degree and/or Master's degree in intelligent
digital multimedia, computer science, cognitive science or a related
subject, and have good experience in, and be prepared for, computer
programming, scientific experimentation and the use of existing software
Further information is available from:
Professor Paul Mc Kevitt,
E-mail p.mckevitt@ulst.ac.uk
Phone (+44) 28 71375433
Magee Awards: William Flynn Research Studentship
Faculty of Informatics
One research studentship is available in the School of Computing and
Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Informatics. There are a number of possible
projects available. These include topics on neural networks, hybrid
intelligent systems, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, self-organising
systems, multiple valued logic, embedded model predictive control, embedded
and bio-inspired systems, evolvable hardware, spoken dialogue systems,
computer graphics and vision, and distributed systems. A list of available
projects, together with some further details, may be found at
http://isel.infm.ulst.ac.uk or
All applicants must indicate on their application their first and second
choice of project from the list mentioned above. The studentship will
comprise fees at the EU or Home rate and an annual maintenance allowance of
£7,500. Students holding a 1st class honours degree or a qualification
deemed as equivalent may be entitled to an additional annual allowance of
Applicants should hold or expect to gain by September 2001, a minimum of an
upper second class honours degree in electronics, computing or closely
related discipline. Preference may be given to candidates with first class
degrees or a postgraduate qualification.
Interested applicants may also contact Professor M. McGinnity, email:
tm.mcginnity@ulst.ac.uk or Professor Paul Mc Kevitt, email:
Successful applicants for the above studentships will enrol, as of 2
January 2002 or earlier by arrangement, on a full-time programme of research
studies leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. All
studentships are tenable at the Magee campus for three years subject to
satisfactory progress.
Application materials may be obtained from: Angela Rippey, Research Office,
University of Ulster, Cromore Road, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, telephone (+44)
(0)28 7032 4592, email: a.rippey@ulst.ac.uk or website
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 28 September 2001.
Interviews will be held on or around 10 October 2001.
also found at: http://jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/IF676.html &
Professor Paul Mc Kevitt
Chair in Digital MultiMedia
School of Computing & Electronics
Faculty of Informatics
University of Ulster, Magee College
BT48 7JL, Derry/Londonderry
E-mail: p.mckevitt@ulst.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.infc.ulst.ac.uk/staff/p.mckevitt
FaX: (+44) 28 71375470
Phone: (+44) 28 71375433 (Office MG-221)
(+44) 28 71375382 (School Office)
Index of September 2001 | Index of year: 2001 | Full index