23 January: fyi -- post doc, Tokyo

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Call for Applications: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships

Dear Colleagues,

We invite applications for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships to be hosted at the
National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo. We are currently seeking
applicants in the specific research areas listed below. If you have an
interest then please send a CV (text, ps or PDF) to the individual
researchers listed
below. It will be helpful before doing this if you check the Web pages of the
researcher which is also given. The closing date for applications varies
European countries but final applications should be prepared before end of
April in
most cases.
We ask that potential applicants contact us well in advance to discuss
research topics and not later than February 11th.

This year the JSPS will award approximately 450 Fellowships under this
To be eligible the applicant must be a citizen (or permanent resident) of a
country that has diplomatic relations with Japan, hold a doctorate when the
Fellowship goes into effect, and have arranged in advance a research plan
with his/her Japanese host. The awards include a monthly maintenance
of 392,000 Yen, a round trip air ticket, a settling-in allowance of 200,000
Yen, an annual travel allowance of 58,500 Yen and insurance that covers travel
and sickness. Successful candidates must begin their Fellowships in Japan
September 1st 2002 to November 30th 2002 which lasts from 12 to 24 months.

NII is one of the major research centres in the area of Computer Science,
located in the centre of Tokyo. We believe that we can offer European
researchers a
productive and enjoyable stay as well as a gateway to other active groups in
Japan and the Pacific area.

We currently have over 60 full time faculty conducting international quality
research in many areas ranging from application-oriented research in areas
such as
natural language processing, artificial intelligence, multi-media,
databases, image
analysis and networking to theoretical areas such as logic and numerical
analysis. We
also offer outstanding facilities in our new building which NII moved into
the middle of 2000. Please refer to the NII Web pages at
http://www.nii.ac.jp/ and the
list of individual research hosts for further information. For further
from JSPS about the Fellowships please see

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Collier
Associate Professor
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8430, Japan.
Email: collier@nii.ac.jp
URL: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~collier/


List of contact points at the National Institute of Informatics for JSPS
Fellowship applicants:

The following list of professors at NII are actively interested in hosting
JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellows. Please contact them individually by email
with a CV to discuss potential research collaboration.

#. Name Research area(s), URL, Email
1. Nigel Collier Natural language processing, information extraction,
information retrieval, ontology engineering

2. ShinESC$B!GESC(Bichi Satoh Video analysis and indexing

3. Makoto Tatsuta Type theory, constructive logic

4. Ken Hayami Numerical analysis

5. Hideaki Takeda Artificial intelligence, especially knowledge sharing

6. Jun Adachi Digital library, information retrieval

7. Atsuhiro Takasu Data engineering, data mining

8. Shinichi Honiden Software engineering, agent technology, object-oriented

Index of January 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index