12 December: fyi -- summer exchange program

Index of December 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


- Introduction

First check if you are eligible to apply:
Students who have studied for at least three years by the summer of 2002 in...
All branches of Engineering
All fields of Science, including Computer Science and Information Technology.
Applied Sciences and Technologies, such as Architecture, Forestry,
Agriculture and Food Processing.

Application Details

IAESTE Ireland may be visiting your area soon, ask your Careers Office
for details and complete the application form available from your
Careers Office.

Complete an online application form and print it and return it to
IAESTE Ireland

2003 Application form
IAESTE Ireland - Overseas Work Experience
Information for Students interested in applying for the 2003 programme
Students Comments 2001
Self Help

Students must pay a registration fee of 90 EURO. If you are offered a
traineeship, which you choose to accept, there is a further fee of 100
EURO (190 EURO in total), which will be paid on acceptance of the
traineeship. If no traineeship is found for you your deposit will be
refunded minus an administration fee of 30 EURO.

Please send the completed application form, a copy of your Curriculum
Vitae (hard copy and on disc if possible) and the registration fee
(bank draft/cheque or postal order made payable to IAESTE at Léargas)
to IAESTE Ireland, Leargas, 189, Parnell Str., Dublin 1.

Please also indicate in an accompanying letter those countries in
which you would prefer to receive a traineeship and what kind of
placement you would be most interested in.

Closing date is 31st December 2002.

Late applications may be accepted but priority will be given to
earlier applications.

Index of December 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index