18 February: fyi -- grammar development, France
Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index
Anglo Institute has a 7-month vacancy for a linguist well qualified in
computing skills. The company is based in the Lannion Anticipa Technopole,
Côtes d'Armor, France.
The suitable candidate will be requested to compile a chunking grammar and a
dependance grammar in Arabic, as well as interfacing these grammars with a
QA system.
Required qualifications for the post include:
- Mastery of standard modern Arabic
- Lingusitic qualifications Bac+5 level with a specialisation in grammar
- Knowledge of TALN techniques
- Advanced computer skills using a UNIX workstation.
Anglo Institute has been based in Lannion for the past ten years. The
company's main activities involve technical translation and linguistic
resources for TALN.
Contact : Isabelle Métayer
1, rue de Langonaval
22300 Lannion
Tél. 02 96 35 28 87 ou 06 07 02 23 20
Isabelle Métayer
21, hent ar Garreg Frailhet
22300 Locquémeau
Tél. 02 96 35 28 87 ou 06 07 02 23 20
Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index