18 February: fyi -- phd funding, UK

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PhD STUDENTSHIP for September 2002

Applications are invited for a three-year EPSRC research studentship award
to commence in September 2002 in the Business School, Loughborough
University. The successful applicant will work on a project investigating
the adoption of language translation software by small translation

Project summary: The demand for language translation services has increased
significantly over the past decade, and to help meet that demand, software
has been developed to support human translators, including machine
translation systems, translation memory, and terminology management tools.
This project comprises a study of the adoption of such software by UK
translation businesses, focussing on the benefits the software affords, its
impact on translators' working practice, and the strategies employed to
integrate the software into a translator's workflow.

Applicants should have a good honours degree or equivalent in a relevant
area (e.g. translation studies, information systems, computational
linguistics, or computer science). A Masters degree, or relevant research
experience, would be an advantage.

For full details of the Business School PhD programme, please go to:


For an online application form, or to download a form, please go to:


For additional information and advice about this PhD studentship, please

Dr. Heather Fulford
The Business School
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
Tel. +44 (0)1509 222435
Fax +44 (0)1509 223960
E-mail h.fulford@lboro.ac.uk

The studentship is open to UK and other EU students, although non-UK
students qualify on a fees-only basis.

The studentship is available from September 2002. Deadline for
applications: 22 April 2002.

PLEASE MARK 'Translation Tools Project' ON THE APPLICATION

Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index