26 February: fyi -- postgrad funding, US

Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

Ph.D. studentships / Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

The Departments of Linguistics and Anthropology at the University of
Kansas invite applications for two half-time Graduate Research
Assistantships (20 hours/week), to begin June 1, 2002, or Aug 22,
2002, pending approval of funding. The position is offered for one
year, but may be renewed for up to three more years.

The successful candidate will work towards a graduate degree in
Linguistics or Anthropology, and the research performed as a GRA will
be a basis for his/her doctoral research. Apart from engaging in his
or her own dissertation research, he/she will contribute to fieldwork
and data analysis in the documentation of endangered Altaic languages
in Inner Asia.

Candidates with competence in relevant languages (Amdo Tibetan, Turkic
or Mongolic languages, or Northern Chinese), fieldwork technology,
and/or computational linguistics are particularly encouraged to apply.

Candidates are requested to send (1) an initial statement of research
interests, (2) a CV, (3) three letters of recommendation and (4) a
writing sample to:

Prof.Dr. Arienne M. Dwyer
University of Kansas
Department of Anthropology
1415 Jayhawk Blvd.
Fraser Hall 622
Lawrence, KS 66045-7556 USA
Tel.+1.785.864.2649 Fax. +1.785.864.5224

Review of applications begins March 15, 2002, and continues until the
positions are filled. Applicants will be notified by a letter
describing their status (selected, alternate, or not selected), and
successful applicants who are not current graduate students at the
University of Kansas will be sent a graduate application packet from
the Department of Anthropology or Department of Linguistics.

The University of Kansas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. Our policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of race,
color, sex, disability, veteran status, religion, national origin,
ancestry, age, sexual orientation, marital status and parental status.

Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index