27 February: fyi -- summer school, Stanford
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The first North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
The eleventh Logic, Language, and Computation Colloquium at CSLI
June 24-30, 2002
Stanford University
Stanford, California, USA
We are pleased to announce that the first North American Summer School in
Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) will take place at Stanford
University from the 24th to the 30th of June. It will be followed by the
eleventh Logic, Language, and Computation Colloquium (LLC) at CSLI, the
program of which will be integrated with the school.
The thematic focus of NASSLLI is modeled on that of its European sister
event, ESSLLI. As it is customary with schools of this nature, the classes
will run from foundational and introductory to advanced. Each lecturer will
give a set of five one hour lectures on a topic suitable for a broad
audience interested in the interface of logic, language, and computation.
NASSLLI is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in
linguistics, computer science, philosophy, mathematics and psychology, as
well as postdoctoral students, IT professionals, and faculty seeking to
extend their knowledge of the field.
We wish to extend you an invitation to join us here at Stanford between
June 24 and June 30, 2002, in order to experience cutting edge research
carried out by some of the finest teachers in North America and Europe.
Our program to date:
- Martin Abadi (CS, UCSC) [Computer Security]
- Samson Abramsky (CS, Oxford) [Games in Computer Science]
- Sergei Artemov (CS, CUNY New York) [Proof Polynomials]
- Patrick Blackburn (INRIA Lorraine) [Lectures on Hybrid Logic]
- Craig Boutilier (CS, University of Toronto) [Logical and Statistical
Methods in AI]
- Joan Bresnan (Linguistics, Stanford) [Optimality Theory]
- Paul Dekker (Philosophy, Amsterdam) [Dynamics, Semantics, Pragmatics]
- R.E. Jennings (Philosophy, Simon Fraser University) [Logicalization]
- Ed Keenan (Linguistics, UCLA) [A Mathematical Theory of Grammatical
- Phokion Kolaitis (CS, UCSC) [Constraint Satisfaction, Complexity, and Logic]
- Larry Moss (Math, Indiana) [Dynamic Epistemic Logic]
- Marc Pauly and Mike Wooldridge (Liverpool) [Modal Logic and Agents]
- Fernando C.N. Pereira (Computer and Information Science, UPenn) [Machine
Learning in Natural Language Processing]
- Frank Veltman (Logic & Cognitive Science, Amsterdam) [Logic in AI]
- Dag Westerstahl (Philosophy, Stockholm) and Stanley Peters (Linguistics,
Stanford) [Generalized Quantifiers]
In addition to lectures, the event will include workshops, evening lectures
by distinguished researchers, as well as sporting events, party and more.
There will be a limited number of scholarships awarded to eligible students.
Please visit http://www.stanford.edu/group/nasslli/ for more information.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
David Anderson
Publicity Coordinator
Index of February 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index