27 March: fyi -- 2 jobs, Edinburgh
Index of March 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index
--- Position 1: Foreign Language TTS developer ---
Rhetorical Systems is looking for native speakers of French, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Portuguese to join them on a new
multi-language text-to-speech system.
We are an innovative company dedicated to the building of high-quality
text-to-speech systems and we seek enthusiastic people with solid
knowledge of the phonetics and phonology of one of the above languages
and previous experience with text-to-speech systems. Experience in
using computers and previous programming experience are also essential
(preferably in a unix or linux environment).
The appointment is for six months initially, with the possibility of renewal
afterwards. If you are interested, please e-mail a CV together with a cover
letter to Laurence Molloy at laurence.molloy@rhetorical.com.
For more information about the company and our products, check us out
at http://www.rhetorical.com and try out our Demo.
Rhetorical Systems Ltd
4 Crichton's Close
Edinburgh EH8 8DT
--- Position 2: German Computational Linguist ---
Rhetorical Systems Ltd., an Edinburgh-based speech technology
company, is looking for a computational linguist to develop a
morphology component for a German text-to-speech system.
The successful candidate should have the following
- good knowledge of German morphology
- basic knowledge of German phonetics and phonology
- familiarity with UNIX/LINUX
- good programming skills (e.g. PERL, awk, shell scripts, C, C++;
ideally Python)
The appointment is full-time. The initial contract will be for 3
months with the possibility of renewal for another 3 months. The
salary will depend on experience and qualifications. Ideally,
the successful candidate will start in April or early May; we
expect him/her to move to Edinburgh for the duration of the job.
If you are interested, please e-mail a CV together with a cover
letter (preferably ASCII, HTML or LaTeX) to Maria Wolters at
For more information about the company and our products, check us
out at http://www.rhetorical.com and try out our Demo.
Rhetorical Systems Ltd
4 Crichton's Close
Edinburgh EH8 8DT
Rhetorical Systems Ltd., eine Sprachtechnologiefirma mit Sitz in
Edinburgh, sucht einen Computerlinguisten/eine Computerlinguistin zur
Entwicklung einer Morphologiekomponente für ein deutsches
Der Kandidat / die Kandidatin sollte die folgenden Voraussetzungen
- gute Kenntnisse der Morphologie des Deutschen
- Grundkenntnisse in Phonetik und Phonologie des Deutschen
- vertraut mit UNIX/LINUX
- gute Programmierkenntnisse (z.B. PERL, awk, UNIX Shell Skripte, C, C++;
idealerweise Python)
Die Anstellung erfolgt Vollzeit für zunächst drei Monate; sie kann um
drei Monate verlängert werden. Das Gehalt hängt von Erfahrung und
Qualifikationen ab. Wenn möglich sollte die Stelle im April oder
Anfang Mai angetreten werden. Telearbeit ist nicht möglich; die Stelle
muss in Edinburgh angetreten werden.
Bei Interesse bitte einen Lebenslauf mit Anschreiben (bevorzugtes Format:
ASCII, HTML or LaTeX) per e-mail an folgende Adresse schicken:
Maria Wolters
Nähere Informationen über Firma und Produkte gibt es auf
http://www.rhetorical.com; dort gibt es auch eine Demo der
englischen Synthese.
Rhetorical Systems Ltd
4 Crichton's Close
Edinburgh EH8 8DT
Index of March 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index