28 March: fyi -- historical linguistics, UK

Index of March 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

Historical Ling: Postgraduate funding, University of Sheffield, UK

The University of Sheffield has made available up to three fully-
funded one-year awards for postgraduate study in the Department of
English Language and Linguistics for entry in September 2002. These
awards cover all tuition fees, at the rate paid by UK and EU students,
and provide a grant at the basic research council rate. They are
available to: a) students taking the research-track MA course in
Historical Language Studies and intending to go on to doctoral
research afterwards; b) students embarking on the first year of
doctoral research in the Department.

These awards are competitive, and only students who have also applied
to the Arts and Humanities Research Board in the current round of
funding applications will be eligible. There is no separate
application form. You will be automatically entered in the internal
competition by virtue of applying for a place here in conjunction with
your AHRB application. NOTE that the AHRB deadline is 1 May, by which
time both completed forms and references need to have been submitted,
so the timescale is very tight, if you have not already applied to the
AHRB (http://www.ahrb.ac.uk/postgraduate). (See the AHRB website to
find who is eligible for funding from that source.)

For further information, or to have an informal discussion, please
contact: the acting postgraduate co-ordinator, Dr Andrew Linn
(A.R.Linn@shef.ac.uk); or the Head of Department, Prof. April
McMahon (April.McMahon@shef.ac.uk).

Index of March 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index