31 July: fyi -- post docs, Sydney

Index of July 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

Applications are now being sought for the University of Sydney SESQUI
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. These are tenable for three years for
full-time research undertaken in any Department or School at the
University. As well as salary, they include a start-up research support
grant of A$25,000.

CLOSING DATE: 20th September 2003

Successful applicants are expected to be based full-time at the University
for the duration of the Fellowship. The University will be offering up to
twelve new Fellowships in 2003.

Assessment Criteria
Excellence will be the primary criterion, both in terms of the project and
the researcher. Equal weight will be given to the quality of the project,
the track record of the applicant relative to opportunity, and the
research environment in the host Department/School. It is VERY important
that you contact the Department of Linguistics to discuss your project in
advance, as we can give you guidance in writing your application. The
Department has recognised research strengths in field linguistics
(Australian, Papuan and Austronesian) and systemic functional linguistics,
but members of staff carry out research in a range of areas. Look at
and contact the member of staff with interests closest to yours for help.
You'll also need to contact the Chair of Department, Dr Toni Borowsky,

Overlap with other Fellowship schemes including ARC/NHMRC
Applicants who have requested Fellowship support from other sources in
2003 may submit the same project to the Sesqui Fellowship Scheme provided
full disclosure is made in the relevant section of the Sesqui application.
If the applicant is awarded a Fellowship from another source, then the
Sesqui Fellowship application may not be considered.

Preparing an Application
The application form and related information is available from the
Research Office website at:

Applicants are required to:

1. Complete the application form and the following attachments.
Attachments should be clearly typed on single sided A4 pages, using 12
point font size and reasonable margins:

The proposed research project including project title, aims and
significance, research plan, methods and techniques (no more than 4 pages
including bibliographic references). Additional pages will not be
considered by the Selection Committee;
Proof that all requirements for the award of a Doctorate have been met
(eg. copies of transcripts);
Curriculum Vitae;
List of Publications;
A copy of no more than two key publications.

2. Discuss the proposed project with the Head of the host
Department/School and arrange for a Report from the Head to be submitted
using the template available from the Research Office website. A list of
contact details for all Heads of Department/School is available from the
Research Office website.

3. Arrange for testimonials from two referees to be completed using
the template available from the Research Office website. The testimonials
should be sent directly to the Research Office and not be attached to the

Conditions of Award
The Fellowships are awarded under the following conditions:

1. Applicants must have been awarded a PhD since 1 December 1997, or
provide evidence in the application of graduand status (ie. that all the
requirements for the award of the degree have been completed);

2. Awards are tenable for three years;

3. Appointments must commence within six months of a formal letter of
offer, unless the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) approves otherwise;

4. A salary (taxable) will be provided within the range of steps 6, 7
and 8 of the Universitys Level A Academic salary scale, currently valued
at A$49,186, A$50,992 and A$52,798 per annum;

5. A research support grant of A$25,000 will be provided upon
commencement of appointment to assist Fellows establish their research in
the host Department/School. The Head of Department/School must approve
expenditure of this grant;

6. A minimum cost airfare direct to Sydney, and return to point of
departure on expiry of the Fellowship, will be provided. Fares for
dependants, visa charges and removal expenses, will not be provided.
Claims for travel expenses will normally be paid on production of an
invoice or a receipt from a travel agency;

7. Fellows are required to provide an annual report of their research
work, and details of their intended program for the following year. This
should be forwarded to the Research Office and be accompanied by an
evaluative commentary by the Head of School/Department. A final report
covering all aspects of the work undertaken (including grants awarded,
grants applied for and their status, details of student supervision or
co-supervision, conference presentations and publications) and details of
any new knowledge gained in the field of study must also be forwarded to
the Research Office at the completion of the Fellowship. This should be
accompanied by an evaluative commentary by the Head of School/Department;

8. Fellows shall be entitled to recreational, sickness and maternity
leave in accordance with the Universitys general policy for all staff.
All recreational leave must be taken within the period of the appointment.
Requests to suspend an award for any other reason must be approved by the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research);

9. Any Fellow considered not to be making satisfactory progress will
have the Fellowship reviewed by a committee appointed by the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) which, at its absolute discretion, may
terminate the Fellowship; and

10. The University asserts certain ownership rights of intellectual
property created in the course of the fellowship subject to the
Universitys Intellectual Property Rule.

Index of July 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index