11 August: fyi -- post doc, Taiwan
Index of August 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index
II. Chinese Lexical Semantics, OR
III. Language Archives
Highlights: In addition to research projects, a successful applicant
can expect to participate in the following important academic
activities 1) An international PhD program in computational
linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, expected to start in
2003/4, and 2) Leading components of one or more of the following
projects: a. Construction of Chinese WordNet, b. Building of various
language resources and development of standard in conjunction with
OLAC and ISLE. c. Inter-disciplinary of Sense and Sense-ability
(including linguistics, computational, psychological, and neurological
Background: The CKIP group has produced the first tagged and balanced
Chinese corpus (the 5 million word Sinica Corpus), one of the first
Chinese Treebanks (The Sinica Treebank). We are also the local
organizers of COLING2002.
2. Past post-doctoral fellows received their doctorates from research
universities in France, the Great Britain, Germany, Taiwan, and
U.S. We have also worked with visiting students from Canada, Germany,
and Ireland.
1. Ph.D. in Linguistics or Computer Science by the commencement of
2. Research experience in Corpus Linguistics and Computational
Linguistics is preferred.
3. Ability to lead sub-projects a plus.
4. Fluency in Mandarin Chinese highly recommended.
Openings: 1 or more (pending on approval from Academia Sinica)
Term: January 2003-December 2004
(satisfactory first year performance a pre-requisite for second year
continuation; further renewal possible pending budgetary approval and
Starting Salary: roughly U.S. $21,600/year
I. By August, 2002: Email (1) cover letter (2) C.V. (including list
of publications), and (3) short statement (2-5 pp.) on research
interests and proposed research areas
TO: churen@sinica.edu.tw
OR Fax to Chu-Ren Huang at 886-2-2785-6622
II. BY August 26, 2001 [If Short-listed]
Send (1), (2), (3) research proposal (5,000-6,000 words), (4)
published work (including thesis), (5) proof of a valid doctorate
(received or expected date), (6)application form, and (7) three
letters of recommendation,
TO: Professor Chu-Ren Huang
Institute of Linguistics
Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei
Taiwan 115
[Or hand-deliver at COLING2002 site.]
Further Information:
Bylaws governing AS post-doctoral fellow application, and various
forms http://www.sinica.edu.tw/as/intro/advisory.html
In particular, English application form
Project Website (in Chinese)
CKIP homepage http://godel.iis.sinica.edu.tw/CKIP/
COLING2002 homepage http://coling2002.sinica.edu.tw/
Address for Applications:
Attn: Professor Chu-Ren Huang
Academia Sinica
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
130 Academy Road
Nankang, Taipei, 11529
Applications are due by August 19, 2002
Contact Information:
Professor Chu-Ren Huang.
Email: churen@sinica.edu.tw
Website: http://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw
Index of August 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index