13 September: fyi -- post doc, Sydney

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SALARY RANGE: A$52K - A$66K + superannuation


We are seeking to appoint a high-calibre Postdoctoral Research Fellow
to work within a multidisciplinary team developing advanced multimodal
natural interface technologies for effective skills training. The position
located at North Ryde in Sydney, Australia.

Recent advances in new technologies such as virtual environments and
natural language generation offer many new opportunities for experientially
based training. In particular, immersive environments that incorporate
haptic and audio interface components show great promise at being highly
effective and efficient in many application domains. Ideally, though, a
training environment should include a tightly integrated combination of
modalities and media for input as well as output. This fellowship will
examine this goal and aim to demonstrate the training effectiveness of
employing a tightly integrated set of advanced natural interface
technologies. A particular focus of the work will be the addition of
language to the hapto-audio-visual training environment, to provide
multimodal instruction and feedback.

The successful applicant will have a recent PhD in human computer
interaction, computational linguistics or a related discipline. Demonstrable

research skills in natural language technologies or computer graphics will
be advantageous and a proven ability to program in C++, Python, and Lisp
highly desirable. The fellowship offers a great opportunity to collaborate
with scientists from CSIRO research teams studying virtual environments,
intelligent interactive technologies, and telecollaboration. A comprehensive

3 year development plan will be provided ensuring that over the period of
the fellowship you will develop skills, partnerships and networks, which are

valued both within CSIRO and industry.


CSIRO is the leading National Research Institute in Australia. The
Mathematical & Information Sciences Division of CSIRO specialises in
research in IT, mathematics and statistics, to benefit Australian industry.

For details see: http://www.cmis.csiro.au/

TENURE: 3 Years

CSIRO Web site: http://recruitment.csiro.au/job_details.asp?ref=02%2FS21
Also see http://www.cmis.csiro.au/iit/

CLOSING DATE: 27 September 2002

CONTACT: For more information, contact Cécile Paris (ph: +61 2 9325 3160,
mailto:Cecile.Paris@csiro.au) or Graham Reynolds (ph: +61 2 6216 7009,

Dr Cecile Paris
Intelligent Interactive Technology, Group Leader

CSIRO/MIS; Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, NSW 1670 Australia
Physical Address: Building E6B, Macquarie University, North Ryde
Phone: +61 2 9325 3160 Fax: +61 2 9325 3200
email: Cecile.Paris@csiro.au
url: http://www.cmis.csiro.au/Cecile.Paris

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index