16 September: fyi -- jobs, Canada

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

The Department of Philosophy, Queen's University, draws attention to the
following advertisement. Further information can be obtained from the
Head of Department, Dr. David Bakhurst, (tel: 613-533-2182, fax:
613-533-6545, email: bakhurst@post.queensu.ca)

QUEEN'S NATIONAL SCHOLARS (Faculty Appointments)

Queen's University at Kingston invites applications from outstanding
scholars for faculty appointments under the Queen's National Scholars
Program. These appointments are to enrich teaching and research in newly
developing fields of knowledge as well as traditional disciplines. It is
anticipated that up to four positions will be available in the following
disciplines: Humanities; Social Sciences; and in Health, broadly defined
as in the CIHR model. The main criterion of interest to the selection
committee is academic excellence regardless of other considerations.
Preference will be given to scholars in the early- or mid-career stages.
Another objective is to provide an opportunity to improve the proportion
of women and members of designated minorities on faculty. Queen's
University is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications
from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities,
aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, gay men and lesbians.

A maximum of four awards will be available in 2002/03. Appointments
under this special program will be either tenure-track or special
shorter term appointments in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between University and the Queen's University Faculty Association.

Prior to submission of a full application, contact should be made with
the appropriate department head to discuss the position(s) which may be
available. Each full application should include a curriculum vitae, a
brief statement of current and prospective research interests and a
statement regarding teaching experience or potential. Applicants should
also supply information concerning any interruptions in their academic
careers and other factors which may have affected their capacity to
complete scholarly work. It is the responsibility of the applicants to
have letters from at least three referees sent directly to the address
below. The deadline for receipt of completed applications, including
letters of reference, is October 4, 2002 for decision in January 2003.

Applications and letters of reference should be sent to: The Head(s) of
the department(s) of the applicant's field(s) of study, Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian
citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index