28 September: fyi -- semantics, Paris

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Senior position at Paris 7 - Denis Diderot

The Linguistics Department at Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot
is hiring a full professor (Professeur) starting Sept 1, 2003 in
the following area:
Theoretical and Descriptive Semantics

The ideal candidate should have a PhD
and (the equivalent of) a habilitation (or should
already hold a Professor position). He should be competent in
both Lexical and Formal semantics.

As for all positions in France, the application is in two steps:
- the candidate goes through a qualification procedure at
the national level (deadline October 8, 2002)
- the candidate has to apply at the University level early 2003

The candidate should be French-speaking but not necessarily French.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach at the
graduate and undergraduate level and collaborate with the
existing research laboratories of the Linguistics department;
there is a possibility for senior professors to create their own
lab (jeune équipe).

For more information about the Linguistics department please
visit our website

For information about University Paris 7 (Jussieu), please visit:

For national information about qualification, Professor status
and salary, go to the French Ministry of Education webpages:

WARNING: deadline for application
to the enational qualifaction (via internet)
october 8th 2002

All potential applicants are invited to direct their questions to:

Prof. Anne Abeillé
Chair of the Linguistics Department

or to

Prof. Alain Rouveret
or to

Prof. Jean Lowenstamm (director of the graduate school in linguistics)

fax 00 33 1 44 27 79 19
UFR de linguistique
Case 7003
Universite Paris 7
2 place Jussieu
75005 Paris


Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index