28 September: fyi -- applied linguistics, Memphis

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Department of English
Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics

Tenure track position to begin Fall 2003. We welcome applications from
those with a strong research agenda in applied linguistics, especially
in second or foreign language acquisition. International experience,
K-12 background, and interest in developing web-based/distance courses
desirable. Willingness to participate in overseas teacher training
programs essential. Teaching responsibilities will include a range of
applied linguistics courses at both the graduate and undergraduate
level. We are specifically looking for those able to teach advanced
coursework in the applied linguistics concentration of our recently
established non-traditional Ph.D. in Writing and Language Studies.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in applied linguistics or closely related field
in hand by Fall 2003. Clear evidence of potential as scholar and
teacher. Send a letter of application, current CV, a copy of
transcripts, a writing sample, and three letters of recommendation (or
a dossier that includes them) to Applied Linguistics Search Committee,
Department of English, The University of Memphis, Memphis TN
38152-3510. Screening will begin November 15, 2002 and continue until
the position is filled.

Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. The University of
Memphis, a Tennessee Board of Regents Institution, is an EO/AA
Immigration Reform Act Employer.


Address for Applications:

Attn: Professor Charles Hall
Applied Linguistics Search Committee
Department of English
The University of Memphis
TN 38152-3510
United States of America
Position is open until filled.

Contact Information:
Charles Hall.
Email: cehall@memphis.edu
Tel: (901) 678-4496
Website: http://www.memphis.edu

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index