3 September: fyi -- applied linguistics, Georgia

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index

Georgia State University's Department of Applied Linguistics/ESL is
accepting applications for two tenure-track positions at the assistant
professor or associate professor level. The Department of Applied
Linguistics and English as a Second Language (AL/ESL) currently
consists of five interrelated instructional programs: a PhD program in
Applied Linguistics, a Master's program; an interdisciplinary BA
program in Language Studies, an English as a second language (ESL)
service courses program that provides instruction, assessment, and
support for non-native-English-speaking matriculated students at the
undergraduate and graduate levels; and an Intensive English Program
(IEP) that provides a comprehensive pre-academic course of study in
academic language development for ESL students who wish to matriculate
at Georgia State University (GSU) or other post-secondary

Candidates will have a doctorate in applied linguistics or a closely
related field by the time of the appointment. Some specializations of
particular interest include research methodology, sociopolitical or
sociocultural theory, corpus linguistics, L2 academic literacy, and
teacher development. Successful candidates must demonstrate a
coherent research agenda and record of relevant publications.
Preferred candidates will also have experience teaching ESL/EAP,
demonstrated ability to teach graduate courses, and the ability to
communicate effectively with multiple audiences.

Letters of application, a curriculum vitae, copies of research
publications, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and 3 letters of
professional recommendation should be sent to

Sara Cushing Weigle

Chair of Graduate Search Committee
Department of Applied Linguistics/ESL
Georgia State University
P. O. Box 4099
Atlanta, GA 30302-4099

Review of applications will begin November 4, 2002 but will continue
until successful candidates are identified. The preferred stating date
will be fall semester 2003. Salary will be commensurate with
experience. Atlanta is a multi-cultural urban setting. Georgia State
University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an Equal
Opportunity Educational Institution and an Equal Opportunity,
Affirmative Action Employer. For further information about our
programs visit the Department's website at http://www.gsu.edu/alesl.

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index