4 September: fyi -- post doc, Spain

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Just in case you know anyone who might be interested.


>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Original Message From "For the discussion of linguistics and si
languages." =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
There is a Postdoc Marie Curie possition available to work in the group of
Manual Carreiras on the "The cortical representation of comprehension
and production in Spanish Sign Language" Contract number HPMD-CT-

A 2 -year postdoctoral position is offered (Marie Curie Development Host
Fellowship) to work on the cortical representation of comprehension and
production processes in Spanish Sign Language. The successful
candidate is expected to investigate the brain representation of
perception and production sign language processing by using
behavioural and brain imaging techniques. Therefore, the candidate
should have experience within the field of Cognitive Neuroscience
working with event related potentials, or FMRI or Transcraneal magnetic

Salary will be 3342 Euro/month x 24 months plus mobility allowance 400
euro/mont x 24 months

You can find the relevant information at



If you are interested or if you know somebody who might be interested,
please vcontact Manuel Carreiras.

Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Carreiras Vali=F1a
Catedr=E1tico de Psicolog=EDa B=E1sica
Direcci=F3n Departamento de Psicolog=EDa Cognitiva, Social y Organizac.
Tel=E9fono: 922 317 515
Fax: 922 317 461
E-Mail: mcarreir@ull.es
Web: webpages.ull.es/users/fcpsic/

Dr. Bencie Woll
Chair of Sign Language and Deaf Studies
Language and Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8354 (voice) 8314 (textphone)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8577

Lorraine LEESON, PhD, R.Q.I.
Centre for Deaf Studies
University of Dublin, Trinity College
83 Waterloo Lane
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Index of September 2002 | Index of year: 2002 | Full index