16 January: fyi -- taught postgrad course, London

Index of January 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

The newly created Group of Logic, Language, and Computation, based in
the Department of Computer Science of King's College London, offers
MSc and advanced BSc courses in computational logic and computational
linguistics. These courses provide students with an understanding of
recent developments in both fields and the relationship between them.
Members of the Group also supervise PhD research.

Logic: Language:
Michael Zakharyaschev (coordinator) Shalom Lappin (coordinator)
Anatoli Degtyarev Mary Dalrymple
Dov Gabbay Jonathan Ginzburg
Alan Hutchinson
Agi Kurucz
David Makinson
Odinaldo Rodrigues

The MSc in Logic, Language and Computation reflects the intimate
connection between logic and natural language processing/computational
linguistics in current research, allowing students wide scope to
explore these connections. It provides a framework for focusing the
research and teaching strengths of the Group of Logic, Language and
Computation. For more information:


Before applying, please read the FAQ for information about deadlines
and requirements:


Scholarships for MSc work are not generally available.

We also welcome applications from students with a strong academic
record for the MPhil or PhD degrees. These degrees require the student
to undertake original research under the supervision of one or more
members of academic staff. Applications for the MPhil or PhD are
accepted at any time. More information can be found at:


Some funding may be available for students who are accepted to the
MPhil and PhD programs.

Index of January 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index