25 January: fyi -- paid participation, Dublin

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URGENTLY: Wanted english native speaker "guinea pig" in Media Lab Europe:
Adaptive Speech Interface Group in Media Lab Europe is involved in an
European project FASiL that consists in conducting research in flexible
and adaptive spoken language and multi-modal interfaces. Particularly,
we are interested in "intelligent Virtual Peronnal Assistant" appplications.

One of the step to achieve this consists in data collection from
experiments. MLE is in charge of one of these and is looking URGENTLY
for english native speakers to act as subjects in the paid experiment.

The conditions are as follows:

* Aim: voice data collection during a spoken language interaction
between users and a Voice Personal Assistant system in the
Email/contact/agenda area.
* Duration: the time involved will probably about 45 min.
* Paye: we suggeste paying this participation 8 EUR ... (and the
opportunity to visit Media Lab Europe !!)

Nathalie Richardet
Reasearch Associate in the Adaptive Speech Interface Group
Media Lab Europe

Tel: 01 474 2883
Email: nathalie@mle.media.mit.edu

Index of January 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index