10 October: fyi -- lectureship, South Africa

Index of October 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

Linguistics/School of Literature and Language Studies/University of
the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg)/South Africa

Linguistics seeks to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (permanent
position) in formal theoretical linguistics with a specialisation in
syntax and semantics.

The candidate should:
- have completed the PhD degree;
- exhibit evidence of active Linguistics research;
- work with primary data;
- be willing to incorporate African language data into their teaching;
- have teaching experience at a tertiary institution in at least one
of the following areas outside their specialisation: introductory
general courses, phonetics, psycholinguistics, field or research
methodology, historical linguistics.

Duties: teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, research,
and administration.

Salary and benefits: in accordance with University scales, with
excellent benefits.

Enquiries: Dr Stefan Ploch, Linguistics
(ploch@linguistics.wits.ac.za); Mrs Pumla Ngcobo

To apply, submit a covering letter, a detailed CV, a list of
publications, and the contact details of three referees to:

The Linguistics Search Committee
School of Literature and Language Studies: Linguistics
University of the Witwatersrand
P/Bag 3
South Africa

Closing date for applications to be received: 31 October 2003.

Address for Applications:

Attn: Dr Stefan Ploch
Linguistics (SLLS),
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3
WITS, Gauteng 2050
South Africa

Applications are due by 31-Oct-2003

Contact Information:
Dr Stefan Ploch
Email: ploch@linguistics.wits.ac.za
Tel: +27 (0)11 717-4183
Fax: +27 (0)11 717-4199
Website: http://languages.wits.ac.za/linguistics/

Index of October 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index