14 November: fyi -- Human-Computer Interaction, Virginia

Index of November 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

Virginia Tech
Department of Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction

The Department of Computer Science invites applications for a
senior-level faculty position in the area of human-computer interaction
starting in August 2004. The successful candidate should have a PhD
degree in Computer Science or an allied discipline, demonstrated
ability to secure research funding, and ability to lead the established
HCI group in the Department. The candidate should have the ability to
teach HCI-related courses and would be expected to assume the
directorship of the University's Center for Human-Computer Interaction.

HCI has been a major departmental focus for well over a decade. The HCI
group in CS includes at present 6 regular faculty, 6 research faculty,
and at least 50 graduate students. Current projects address
collaborative systems, community and educational computing, user
interface software and tools, 3-D user interfaces, notification
systems, virtual environments, visualization, usability engineering,
design process, pragmatics of communication and handheld wireless
technology. The CS faculty are complemented by HCI faculty in
Industrial and Systems Engineering who add expertise in systems and
cognitive ergonomics. Our work emphasizes multidisciplinary
cooperation throughout the university and beyond into diverse areas
such as bioinformatics, digital libraries, and computational science.
Additional information about Computer Science can be found at

The Center for Human-Computer Interaction was established in 1995 in
recognition of the highly interdisciplinary nature of the field and to
create a collaborative community of researchers from diverse fields
such as Computer Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Psychology, Education, and Sociology. The CHCI occupies its own 3000
sq. ft. laboratory suite in the new Advanced Communications and
Information Technology Center. Please view the center's website at

Virginia Tech is located in Blacksburg, a scenic, lively, All-American
Award-winning town in southwest Virginia with affordable housing.
Nearby is the white water of the New River and 1.7M mountainous acres
of national forest.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page research
statement, a 1-2 page teaching statement, and have at least three
letters of reference sent to HCI Faculty Search, Dept. of Computer
Science, 660 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. PDF
file submissions to facultysearch@cs.vt.edu are preferred. Review of
candidates will begin January 5, 2004, and continue until the position
is filled. Virginia Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Index of November 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index