8 November: fyi -- computational linguistics, California

Index of November 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index


- Available for the Academic Year: 2004/2005
- Salary is dependent upon academic preparation and professional
- Teaching Load is 12 units per semester plus 3 units of
non-instructional responsibilities.
- Instructional Level: Undergraduate and Graduate

Specific Position Characteristics: The successful candidate will teach
courses and conduct research in the field of computational
linguistics. Preference will be given to candidates with a
specialization in computational phonetics and speech processing. The
successful candidate will also teach basic courses in linguistics.
Specific assignments are dependent upon department needs. Other
responsibilities include research, publication, and other scholarly
activities, as well as advising students and engaging in service at
all levels of the university. The successful candidate may be called
upon to teach in a distance education mode and will be encouraged to
develop web enhanced and/or web based instruction. Outcomes
assessment and service learning are important components of the
university curriculum. The successful candidate will be expected to
work cooperatively with faculty and staff in the department, college
and university.

Qualifications: Academic Preparation: An earned doctorate (Ph.D.) in
Computational Linguistics, Linguistics or Computer Science is required
for appointment to a tenure track position. Candidates nearing
completion of the doctorate (ABD) may be considered for a lectureship
(temporary position) with the possibility of conversion to tenure
track upon completion of the doctorate. The ideal candidate should
have expertise with practical speech processing applications.
Familiarity with speech recognition and speaker/accent identification
is also a plus.

Teaching or Other Professional Experience: Industry experience is
desirable. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to or
potential for teaching excellence and scholarly activity at the
university level. The successful candidate must have the ability to
work effectively with faculty, staff and students from diverse ethnic,
cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Online application form can be found at

Applications: Correspondence, applications, and confidential papers
should be sent to:

Dr. Gerald R. McMenamin, Search Committee Chair
Department of Linguistics
California State University, Fresno
5245 N. Backer Avenue M/S PB92
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
Phone: (559) 278-4897 Fax: (559) 278 - 7299
e-mail: geraldm@csufresno.edu

Open Until Filled: Applicants are encouraged to have all application
materials on file by January 30, 2004 to assure consideration.

Address for Applications:

Attn: Dr. Gerald McMenamin
California State University, Fresno
Department of Linguistics
5245 N. Backer Ave., Peters Bldg., M/S PB 92
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
United States of America

Applications are due by 30-Jan-2004

Contact Information:
Dr Gerald McMenamin
Email: geraldm@csufresno.edu
Tel: 559-278-2441
Fax: 559-278-7299
Website: http://www.csufresno.edu/linguistics/

Index of November 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index