19 April: fyi -- postgrad & postdoc funding, Limerick

Index of April 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index

Post-Doctoral and PhD Positions in Software Research

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Limerick

College of Informatics and Electronics

The software industry in Ireland is a major success story,
representing 10% of overall exports and 8% of GDP. Also, the top 10
independent software companies in the world have significant
operations in Ireland. The Irish software industry must continue to be
competitive, and this in turn requires a significant software research
agenda, such as that proposed by the Department of Computer Science
and Information Systems.

The Department has long been to the forefront in software
research. The 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering
was hosted in Limerick in 2000. The Department has recently been
strengthened by new professorial appointments: David Parnas and Brian
Fitzgerald. Also, Eileen Trauth has been awarded a Walton Visitor
professorial appointment in the Department. These appointments
complement well the significant existing research strengths in teams
led by Professor Liam Bannon and Professor Anthony Cahill.

Following recent research funding to the Department of almost ?10
million, a number of postdoctoral and PhD research-funded positions
are available in the software area. One of these funded programmes is
B4-STEP (Building a Bi-Directional Bridge Between Software Theory and
Practice). Further details may be found at:

This programme is being undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team led by
Professor Brian Fitzgerald, and will conduct basic and applied
research from a socio-technical perspective. Specific research themes
include open source software; agile methods; software process
improvement; software visualisation and software tools; gender,
under-represented groups and the "Digital Divide" in the information
society; policy analysis pertaining to technological
development. Applications are invited from those interested in
research into the above themes. The research positions available
include two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (?31,544 per annum) and
four PhD studentships (?15,146 per annum). The programme also has
funding for eight part-time PhD studentships. For informal discussion
on these positions, contact: Brian Fitzgerald, Email: bf@ul.ie.

Application material, available from: Human Resources, University of
Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.

Telephone: 00 353 61 202700 Fax: 00 353 61 331881 Email: hr@ul.ie.

Applications are welcome from suitably qualified female and male candidates.

The University of Limerick is an equal opportunities employer and
committed to employment on merit.

Index of April 2003 | Index of year: 2003 | Full index